Children are people, too.
With all of the hype about consistency and boundaries, it's easy to forget that our children are people too. All children, even newborns,...
Why I always say "I love you" before I drive
Unless you are in the Marines Special Forces or run a Nuclear Power Plant, driving is probably the most dangerous thing you do every day....
Bilingual babies- good or bad?
As a multilingual mother, I found myself defending my plan to teach my child multiple languages right from the time he was born to...
The Great Assessment Debate
There has been quite a flurry of debate over educational assessments in general recently. Today I am here to counter the arguments...
Five ways you cannot control your child
#1: You can put your child to bed, but you cannot make him sleep. #2: You can put your child on the potty, but you cannot make her pee or...
How to be a considerate gifter to the young
I know how you feel. I used to be there. I was the non-parent, child-loving family friend who just wanted to bring or send something fun...
What Happens When You’re Not There
An open letter to “Free Range Parents”: I understand that you feel you have a superior parenting ideology. Most of us do. But what you...