Children are people, too.
With all of the hype about consistency and boundaries, it's easy to forget that our children are people too. All children, even newborns,...
Let the Children Play
I had an experience today…a not very good one. We were out at a library that we have never been to before in the next county over, where...
Why I always say "I love you" before I drive
Unless you are in the Marines Special Forces or run a Nuclear Power Plant, driving is probably the most dangerous thing you do every day....
Bilingual babies- good or bad?
As a multilingual mother, I found myself defending my plan to teach my child multiple languages right from the time he was born to...
“Yes and… Parenting”- Harnessing the power of Improv in Parenting
Want to know how to say “no” without a huge drama ensuing. Instead of saying no, say yes…and… I know what you’re thinking. How in the...
The Great Assessment Debate
There has been quite a flurry of debate over educational assessments in general recently. Today I am here to counter the arguments...
My Life Integration Day
We have had a lot of places to go and things to do recently so today we needed a slow day with no plans. We took a slow morning and...
Breaking Down the Common Core
I've had some rather frustrating conversations regarding the Common Core recently. So I thought that since I spent the best part of a...
Why 8?
Recently, Maryland State Child Services made a "clarification" of the law in Maryland that says that a child under the age of 8 may not...
A confusing and classist clarification
As I wrote in my last post, recently Maryland State Child Services rendered a "clarification" on the law that states that children under...