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Thank you for sharing your experiences with homework policy from the perspective of a teacher working in PGCPS. It is of the utmost importance to have information from the people the policy will affect in order to craft a policy that works best for everyone. Unfortunately, I do not have the mechanism to allow you to save your work and come back to this form. I highly recommend drafting your narrative in a word processor, copying and pasting into the field.
How comfortable are you with your understanding of what PGCPS expects you to do and not do regarding assigning homework? (1 = not at all comfortable, 10= very comfortable)
3 out of 10
Do you think you are required to assign homework according to the policies that are currently in place?
How important do you think it is for you to assign homework for the subject(s) you teach?
How stressful do you think the assignment, grading and management of homework is? (1= not stressful at all, 10= extremely stressful)
If you could change anything about the homework or grading policy, what would it be and why?
If you could preserve anything about the homework or grading policy, what would it be and why?
Tll us anything else you think we should know about homework in PGCPS, your experiences, your questions, your concerns, etc.
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